We help customers to retain, upskill and grow their talent by Coaching and Networking Platform and deliver Better Leaders. Resilient Teams.
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NumlyEngage™ is a coaching and networking platform that empowers people managers to coach with confidence and become better leaders.
Numly’s “Connected Leaders” Framework and Coaching Program are designed to equip your future leaders with the skills, peer networks, Continuous Learning and Career growth sponsorship they need to become Better Leaders and build Resilient Teams.
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15 best certified courses to start your leadership journey
Unleash your potential for great performance with coaching
Empowering the passionate leaders to take on the challenges
Numly™ leadership team is composed of several leaders with decades of HR, Software Development and Leadership Coaching experience at leading companies such as Microsoft, TriNet HR Group, Saba Software, Duke Energy, Planview / Spigit, SAP AG / Business Objects, Oracle / Hyperion, IBM and Hewlett-Packard Enterprise.
Madhukar Govindaraju is the founder and CEO, Numly, Inc. The views expressed here are his own. He can be reached at ceo@numly.io. As a software executive, tech entrepreneur and AI/data/analytics @scale practitioner for the past couple of decades, I always find it interesting when technology can finally start to do some ‘real good’.
Numly’s AI-Fueled Internal Coaching, L&D Platform enables Human Transformation at Global Scale.
Get in touch with us and provide your employees an opportunity to improve their leadership skills and become effective coaches for their teams.
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