Numly Joins NVIDIA Inception Program

Business Challenge Numly’s Solution
Low Employee Engagement Take a proactive approach to increase employee engagement by staying up to date on employee sentiment with Numly’s employee engagement Pulse Surveys
Lack of Critical Skills Just in time microtraining combined with structured coaching sessions to reinforce and fully integrate learning and development of critical skills
High Attrition Dedicated learning opportunities to empower the employees feel more confident and empowered, improve leader/employee relationships, and decrease attrition.
Lack of Resources for Training Programs and Cultural Change Create a sustainable coaching culture and internal coaching program at a fraction of the cost of deploying coaching at all levels of an organization

Building a Coaching Culture – Numly Coaching Habit

Learn Skills through Habits,
Become a Sustainable Leader

Building a Coaching Culture- Numly Coaching Habit

Get started fast and see results in 60 days:


Tap into our Ontology of built-in critical skills


Facilitate coaching sessions with packaged programs tailored for enterprise functions


Complement and extend learning with a wealth of content curated by Numly, or via third party learning management platforms or direct import


Provide actionable analytics to
quantify and
maximize impact

Are your managers/ people leaders playing the role of a coach for their teams? Build internal coaches who apply their learnings within their teams to create a sustainable coaching culture.

Talk to us