Numly Joins NVIDIA Inception Program


Numly 100 / 100 / 100 Program

Experience 2X Engagement in 100 Days with Numly™ 100/100/100 Program

By Numly

Numly™ Partners with customers on the ‘GIve with Numly™’ program. Numly will make a $250 donation to a charity of the customer’s choice for each Pilot.

CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA, USA, April 12, 2021 / — Numly™ announces the launch of the Numly™ 100/100/100 Program, to double employee engagement in 100 days! Get started on a pilot with 100 employees on NumlyEngage™ platform to experience the power of Peer Coaching (NOT external / expert coaching), in a structured and AI-enabled process. As a Thank You, Numly™ will make a $250 donation to a charity of your choice.

In the post pandemic world, organizations are continuing to struggle with the dynamics of setting up processes in remote and hybrid work setups. Employees are confused and stressed about the multitude of unknowns related to vaccinations, getting back to office, managing family life and more. In this context, employee engagement has become even more critical than before. Companies can no longer rely only on External or Expert coaching alone. There is a serious need for organizations to look beyond Microsoft Teams or Zoom Virtual Connects and weekly/bi-weekly one-on-ones to keep up employee morale and make them feel connected in the new digital normal.

What the workforce needs today is a simple and effective way to connect, learn, and engage with peers through a guided approach, that can be fine-tuned to each individual’s specific needs. Numly’s AI-enabled, Peer Coaching SaaS Platform – NumlyEngage™ has been designed to offer a systematic approach to behavioral and cultural change for employees through pre-packaged Peer Coaching programs that extend eLearning, while leveraging built-in, AI-enabled, coaching programs and third-party learning content.

Numly’s 100/100/100 Program has been designed to help companies take advantage of a Pilot that can demonstrate tangible results for a team of 100 employees, with 100% increase in engagement in just 100 days. It can help organizations build an empathetic and supportive workforce that is invested in helping each other grow.

Madhukar Govindaraju, Founder and CEO of Numly says, “We at Numly believe in doing good and pushing for positive change. As a company, we take a strong interest in helping organizations do good, not only for their own employees, but also for causes they believe in. And that is the reason we decided to enable the Numly 100/100/100 program with our ‘Give with Numly’ program. For every pilot we kickoff with the program, Numly will make a $250 donation to a charity/cause of the customer’s choice. We are very excited to partner with our customers in this program.”

The pilot program will help organizations jump start engagement within their teams to see quick results. The selected team of 100 participants will participate in a coaching program such WFH or DE&I, that comes with a predefined set of critical skills. Based on a quick organizational assessment, the participants will be matched with each other to embark on a peer coaching journey, guided by the platform’s AI-generated tips, recommendations and learning content. As the participants interact and work on their skills, their Coaching and Learning Journeys will be tracked on the platform to provide actionable analytics on engagement and skills development.

Numly recently launched the ‘Give with Numly’ program that works with organizations to give to causes that they support. Numly, as an organization, believes in giving back to the world and society by doing some good for the betterment of people across race, ethnicity, gender and more. The Give with Numly program allows Numly to give back to the world with its customers and partners through donations to various charities that the companies support and follow.

About Numly™, Inc.
Numly™‘s mission is to phenomenally improve employee engagement and talent performance through People Connections, Peer Coaching and Critical Skills Development. NumlyEngage™ is an AI-enhanced platform that enables Peer Coaching as an extension of eLearning, making it possible for organizations to tap into employees’ critical skills and empower them to coach each other in a structured manner, while leveraging third-party learning content, and built-in, AI-enabled, coaching programs NumlyEngage™ helps organizations accelerate revenue, increase performance, and improve employee engagement, especially in the post COVID-19 era of working from home (WFH). For more information, visit

Shalini Ramakrishnan
Numly™, Inc.
+44 7586 575932