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Numly™ Named in Aragon Research Technology Arc™

Numly™ Named in the Adopt Arc in Aragon Research Technology Arc™ for Employee Engagement & Learning, 2020

By Numly

Numly™ included in the Fast Growth Segment of Employee Engagement in Aragon Research Technology Arc™.

CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA, USA, March 25, 2020 / — Numly™, a leading provider of Employee Engagement solutions, today announced it has been included by Aragon Research, Inc. in the Aragon Research Technology Arc™ for Employee Engagement & Learning, 2020.

In the race to win the talent wars, technology is playing a more important role. The third edition of the Technology Arc™ for Employee Engagement and Learning, 2020, features 51 technology profiles that are split between three sequential maturity arcs: Emerge, Adopt, and Mature.

The Technology Arc functions as a strategic guide for investors and enterprise strategists. Having a global overview of the market players and how long they can be expected to stay relevant is an invaluable tool for those hoping to optimize their long-term business plan.

Madhukar Govindaraju, Founder and CEO of Numly, Inc., says – “We envision our NumlyEngage™ Enterprise platform to meet all the employee engagement needs of an organization under a single pane view. We have developed a comprehensive AI-enhanced platform that empowers our customers to significantly improve employee engagement and boost employee and business growth.” Furthermore, Madhukar adds, “Numly is focused on harnessing advanced coaching, recognition, performance, and retention capabilities under one platform. We believe that our inclusion in the Technology Arc™ for Employee Engagement & Learning, 2020 is a validation of our vision.”

Jim Lundy, Founder and CEO of Aragon Research, says – “Employee engagement has become the new battle cry and enterprises are on the hunt to leverage new technologies that speed up recruiting, onboarding, and continuous skill development. The NumlyEngage™ platform brings together surveys, coaching, employee engagement, and more into one structured platform.”

With the global workforce shifting to remote working in the last decade, and now potentially becoming a quick paradigm shift as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, employee engagement and productivity are top challenges for CEOs. Numly’s next-gen employee engagement platform – NumlyEngage – offers a structured and measurably better approach to soft skills development by bridging people and connections. It offers a comprehensive catalog of 185+ soft skills, and dozens of pre-packaged Engagement Programs designed to help various enterprise functions and target audience segments jumpstart engagement on specific skill sets. All interactions on NumlyEngage are continuously scaled and nurtured by AI to deliver tailored nudges, recommendations, and coaching tips.

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About Numly™, Inc. (
Numly™’s mission is to improve employee performance and employee engagement through the development of Soft and Growth Skills. NumlyEngage™ Enterprise is an AI-enhanced, people networking and coaching platform that enables organizations to take a structured approach to soft skills development. With a 16 Personality Factor assessment and an Ignite survey to jumpstart employee engagement, as well as dozens of built-in Engagement Programs to guide users through a comprehensive database of 185+ soft skills, NumlyEngage™ makes it easy for companies to identify and retain top talent, grow the next generation of leaders, drive productivity, and effectively compete in the Future of Work. For more information, visit

Aragon Research Technology Arc™ for Employee Engagement & Learning, 2020 by Jim Lundy

Shalini Ramakrishnan
Numly™, Inc.
+44 7769 479028
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