Numly Joins NVIDIA Inception Program

Numly Webinar


Workers and the Corporate Values Revolution

Tuesday, June 14, 2022 | 08:30 AM - 05:30 PM PST

The post-pandemic era brought in the workplace revolution and asked very important questions of how organizations can stay true to their core values, and be accountable to their stakeholders, while making enormous changes?

To answer that, organizations need to build stronger bonds of trust with their workers and their communities by creating equity in a hybrid workplace, balancing productivity with well-being, offering better career paths, developing diversity in leadership, and supporting working parents.

The one-day conference at the Computer History Museum will bring together leading thinkers and top executives in HR, hybrid work, diversity, benefits, social impact and employee engagement for an up-to-the-minute conversation.

Attend the one-day conference and watch Tilmin Hudson, Vice President of Sales, Numly spoke about Making career growth an important part of Employee Experience right from the beginning.